FAQ & Site Info
LaStade Designs and Patterns specializes in helping you find crochet patterns, knitting patterns and other types of craft patterns. Most are out of print but some I design myself.Here is a link to copy and past to my facebook page. I would love to have you as a fan.
La Stade Designs and Patterns was born after trying to organize years of pattern accumulation. I love crafts and love to help people get started making something special. My mom, grandma and great-grandma got me started 40 years ago. I have crocheted, sewed, knitted, cross stitched, quilled, embroidered, painted, etc. hundreds of things since I was around 9 years old.
I will be putting up more patterns as the days go by, but if you searching for a pattern, email me. I might have the one you are looking for. I also will be happy to answer any questions about knitting, crocheting or other craft.
Lori Stade